Dopper Pacific Blue
- Kostenlose Versand im DE ab €100
- Versandtisch (Kosten und Versandzeit)
- 14 Tage Bedenkzeit
- Garantiezeitraum 1 Jahr
- Unsere Produkte sind fairer Handel
Nicht vorrätig
Take a leap into the deep with the Pacific Blue Dopper! This dark blue bottle is an ode to the Great Pacific: our planet’s largest and most impenetrable ocean. If you head out to sea with this mysterious model, you will always be on the right course. That’s because the dark blue Dopper is as rugged as the waves, as magical as the starry night and has endless depth.
Each year, somewhere around 8 million kilos of plastic waste – including many plastic bottles – winds up in our oceans. Ocean currents gather all of that plastic into a floating garbage patch in the Pacific known as the “Plastic Soup”. By selling Dopper bottles instead of disposable ones, you’ll help turn this tide. And no, that’s not as pointless as carrying water to the sea.
- Volume: 450 ml
- Consists of three parts, so easy to clean
- Produced in the Netherlands
- BPA (plasticizers) free
- Dishwasher safe up to 65 ° C / 149 ° F
- Suitable for cold, non-corrosive drinks
- Cradle to Cradle certification
- ABS – Acrylonitil Butadiene Styrene (white part)
- PP – Polypropylene (colored part)
- TPE – Thermoplastic elastomers (rings in cup and cap)
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